I see people struggling- not just with the state of the world or our country, but struggling much more closer to home. Struggling within family, within friend circles, within ourselves. I am sharing a tool I use often to restore a sense of peace within myself. This is not a tool to ignore what needs action, its a tool to restore peace so that when action is taken, it is from a place of greater balance. The tool is Ho Oponopono an ancient Hawaiian practice of healing and reconciliation. It focuses on restoring balance and harmony to the relationship within oneself and relationships with others through forgiveness and responsibility. The practice involves four key phrases: I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, and Thank you. By repeating these phrases, I have released negative emotions, resolved conflicts, and restored peace within. These phrases have helped me remember that all experiences are influenced by my own thoughts and actions. The four key phrases; I love you This phrase represents unconditional love and compassion. I'm sorry This phrase represents taking responsibility for any negativity or harm, whether directly or indirectly you were part of. Please forgive me This phrase is a request for forgiveness, both from others and from yourself. Thank you This phrase represents acknowledging a release and a restoration. I use Ho Oponopono when I feel conflict within myself whether it's self judgment, judgment of others or resentment of a situation or person. I repeat the phrases to myself (these are not to be said to anyone but yourself or to your higher self, the Universe, God, Divine Intelligence...) until I feel a shift in my body towards peace. This is how I use them: 1. I love you: I love you for this opportunity of growth and learning. I love you for this opportunity of remembering we are connected. I love me for the essence of who I am unconditionally and compassionately . I love you from the core of who I am. I love you for who you are under your words and actions with unconditional love and compassion. 2. I’m sorry: I'm sorry for seeing you as the problem I'm sorry for holding you in a negative light. I'm sorry for needing you to be different than you are so I feel better. I’m sorry that something within me has contributed to the situation, even if I am unaware how. 3. Please forgive me: Please forgive me for my part in this conflict. Please forgive me for seeing you as the source of my struggle. Please forgive me for seeing you as a problem. Please forgive me for being separate from my true and highest self. 4. Thank you: Thank you for the healing that is already taking place. Thank you for helping me clear, learn and grow. Thank you for helping me see and feel what is possible. I hope this helps some of you on your life path. Take what you need and leave the rest. Use this organically with words that fit for you. All the Best- Erin |
Reconnect with Your Inner Peace